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Whether you are a beginner triathlete, runner, cyclist, adventure racer or an experienced athlete, TRG -Triathlon and Multisport will support you with strategic and practical advice.


As the head of the TRG coaching team, Julie Tedde specialises in individual training programs that take into account your level of prior experience, family/school/work commitments, and most importantly your specific goals. With a very holistic approach to each individual, TRG creates an environment where structured training sessions have a tangible objective, whilst also providing enjoyment and social opportunities.


TRG’s ultimate goal is to help every athlete achieve their dream through consistency, structure and purpose, with both short and long term goals. Training advice and goals are provided through face-to-face contact and via specific programs for each athlete. Athletes are able to train in a supportive environment over a wide variety of multi-sport disciplines.


TRG welcomes new participants to any training session, so for more information or a free trial session, please go to the Contact Page and fill in the form! 

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